About AOOP
History of AOOPThe Academy of Organizational and Occupational Psychiatry was founded in 1990 to provide a forum for an exchange of ideas between psychiatry and the world of work. The Academy's mission is to enhance the knowledge and skills of its members through various training opportunities and professional networking; to liaison with other professional groups concerned with workplace health and mental health; and to encourage and support the practice of organizational and occupational psychiatry. |
Work is central to our identity and sense of well-being. Freud observed that both work and love are essential in maintaining emotional, physical and mental health. Organizational and occupational psychiatry is one of the original specialty areas of psychiatry; its primary focus is on the relationship of work to general well-being and mental health. Organizational and occupational psychiatry—also called industrial, workplace or corporate psychiatry—is concerned with adaptation of the individual to the workplace. Organizational and occupational psychiatrists study the psychopathology brought to and resulting from the work setting, as well as factors that stimulate healthy behavior and functioning. Organizational and occupational psychiatrists then utilize consultative, clinical, educational and preventive interventions and strategies to reduce symptoms and conflict, and facilitate health and well-being. For more than 70 years, organizational and occupational psychiatrists have pioneered in the diagnosis, treatment and research of workplace health-mental health conditions. Unlike psychologists, social workers and other occupational health and mental health personnel, organizational and occupational psychiatrists have the medical and psychiatric training and expertise to address the complexities of workplace health and mental health issues. |
Member ProfileAOOP members practice in diverse settings, including solo or group practice, managed care, academia, the military, and corporate medical departments. AOOP members provide various types of services including: |